Thursday, December 19, 2013

How to Reduce the Bounce Rate of Your Landing Pages?

Reducing the bounce rate on your landing pages is a very big deal. If people are bouncing from the first page they land on--then that is how it normally works. But, every single person that bounces is another bit of traffic that you ideally want to keep. What is the point of working so hard to get people onto your website if they are just going to leave a few seconds after arriving? In many ways, lowering your bounce rate can only be a good thing (at least in most cases). On the other hand, you do have to be prepared to scare a few people away if you are aiming for a certain target audience. Do not forget that you cannot be all things to all people. Here are some tips that with help reduce the bounce rate on your landing pages. Also, bounce rate impacts on the SEO of ther website. So, whether you do it yourself or hire a search engine optimization company from a list of top SEO companies in India then you should for best seo company in india

1 - Make sure your landing page addresses the reason the viewer visited

Your viewer arrived onto your landing page for a reason. You have made the first win, so you need to celebrate that win. You do not want to tell the person they did the right thing paying a visit or to keep marketing to them. They visited for a reason, so address that reason. If they wanted to know a price, then give it to them. If they wanted more information then show them a bit and give them links to where they can find much more (on your website of course).

2 - Remove pop-up ads, auto-start video and auto-start audio

Popup ads are as old as the Internet and they have been nothing but annoying since the beginning. If you want conversions then you do not start off by annoying people. It is the same as if you run a high street store, you do not jump out in front of people and ask them to push something to get rid of you, so don’t do it online.

As for auto-start video and audio, people will happily close down an entire browsing session if it means getting rid of the noise. It is as if you are assaulting people, and makes it appear as if their time is so meaningless to you that you will happily start blabbing on about something that they do not want. If you want conversions, then never do it--Ever!

3 - Give people plenty of navigation choice

If you do not give them enough, then they will naturally leave your website. Not giving people much choice is what scamming websites do, and people know this. Plus, there may even be a base instinct in there as people do not want to be penned in. Instead you need to give them choices with your navigation so that they may comfortably explore your website without feeling as if they are being railroaded.

You can do this, but if you want to start converting your traffic, then give them choices and make the one most profitable to you as the most appealing. Do not give them too much choice unless you are sure that at least 80% of the links are going to be of interest to the viewer. What you need to do is make some links obviously better than others, but in a subtle way that makes people think they are making their own choices.

4 - Make your page easy to skim read and very clear

If your page is too hard to skim read, then most people won’t even give it a chance and they will just bounce from your website. As odd as it sounds, having to read your content word for word without knowing much about it is something that most people are not willing to do. They are just going to skim read a page and look for important factors. If they cannot find them, then they bounce. It is up to you to make sure your page has a very easy-to-skim-read format so that people may find points that interest them.

5 - Make sure your landing page renders and loads quickly

The analytic system used by yourself may measure if a page bounce occurs before or after the page starts to render. There are very few people who know for sure if Google measures bounce rates from the point of rendering or before. Suffice it to say that it is not worth the risk of having a page take its time to render.

Slow loading times are not as much of a problem these days as they were prior to faster processors, more RAM and broadband DSL Internet. But, slow render times are certainly a problem. If a person has to stare at a blank page of white for more than a few seconds then that person is going to bounce. If you were planning on making a sale or getting a loyal viewer out of your landing page, then this is not the way to do it.

Take the time to lower your loading times, but above all, make sure that your page is rendering quickly. This means you need to bug tests your web pages routinely (if you update often) and it means you need to test them with cross compatibility tools.

Author: Kate Funk is a freelance writer at aussiessay. She is mainly focusing on technology, gadgets and all the latest trends which are interesting for networking enthusiasts.

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Tuesday, December 3, 2013

What the Hummingbird brings?

In September 2013 Google officially presented new search algorithm called “Hummingbird”, though in fact the bird have been making a nest in a search system during a whole month before official premiere. As Hummingbird is a search algorithm with a fundamentally new approach of processing complex phrases in search queries. Unfortunately, Google developers keep in secret the technical principles of the algorithm, so we can only guess and try to adapt the text content for the new algorithm. What we know for sure is that the changes in the content should be done shortly in order to adapt websites to new algorithm and save high rates.

Undoubtedly, the introduction of a new algorithm will make significant changes in the policy of sites promotion, especially in the quality of content. Relevance, quality and depth of content should be now taken into account. Short articles "stuffed with" key words are the first positive steps that send a website to the back of the SERP. In order to take the most advantageous position, one should adhere to the following strategy:

1. Extend and adapt the selection of keywords using a variety of advanced options for the same phrase.
As a rule, those who use voice search, use longer phrases. For example: "How can I quickly get to ...", "Where is the best place to buy...", "Where can I go on a Saturday evening in the city ..." and so on. Thus, we should think over and apply all possible variants that can be used by potential visitors.

2. Use related words and a maximum number of synonyms.
Most relevant articles posted on the site will be determined not only by keywords, but also accompanying phrases and synonyms. In other words, if the user types in a word synonymous with the good or service you offer, Hummingbird will lead customers to your web site as well. The search engine gives results not only by key words typed into the search string, but also according to synonyms. This gives you an opportunity to be on top even through synonyms, and not just direct key words. In order to determine which synonyms Google « understands», you only should pay attention to those options that are displayed on the screen while you type words into the search string.

3. Take measures to get your content quoted or referred to by other web resources.
Whenever your website is referenced, the link to your resource is used or the website is mentioned together with competing resources (websites on similar subjects), it will be an evidence for Google that your companies or web sites are connected with each other. It’s great when competitors have considerable authority, and your website is mentioned along with them, your position automatically grows.

4. Thoroughly analyze texts for links that are used to promote a web resource.
Probably everyone knows that the links which have words related to the topic of the web site are much more attractive for search engines. Therefore, they should be used extensively. To create natural links it is important to use keywords together with their synonyms.

5. Pay attention to the universal search algorithm.
It is quite logical that Hummingbird is more focused on the issue of universal results. For example, if the user types in "cook lasagna yourself", it is logical to give instructional video immediately. Orientation on Universal Search provides huge advantages to not only attract new visitors, but also to outmarket the competitors. These are several tips how to do it: - Choose the images for Google Images;
- To determine what kind of results connected to your products or service emerges in a search string;
- Create high-quality video content and optimize it for YouTube;

About the author: Paul Smith is an excellent writer and the author of this essay. He is an expert in such topics as SEO, networks and internet. It is easy to connect with Paul on Google+. You can read other articles written by Paul at

Related - Top 10 SEO Companies in India – Best SEO Companies India – SEO India – Best SEO Services India

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

SEO Strategies for Local Business Marketing

SEO definition
  • Search engine optimization (SEO) is a process for improving one’s visibility website in the search engines
  • SEO is the best tool to use for enterprise such as a small business which has a website. Search engine
  • optimization, therefore, is a way to enable site in list of search results on the top. More often than not, when one searches for anything using the search engine, he or she opens the first page then checks the content on the first few sites.
  • There are more visitors on the top ranked sites, which make the content be known by many people. This is so appropriate for small businesses that deal with local and also international customers. This link strategy is among the best SEO small businesses strategies.
Linking strategy
  • The main goal of linking strategy is to make links to the businesses site targeted at commercial traffic or market that is interested in the products and services, which finally convert to better volume sales.
  • The capability of links and their respective values measurement led to the making the site Google, which is among the leading site in search engines. It all begun with Page Rank as called by Google.
  • Mathematical models are used in this Rank to evaluate websites by considering incoming links. Higher rankings were awarded to sites with relevant links and with more authority.
Usage of keywords
  • SEO is also done by using keywords. Businesses usually have articles posted on-line explaining about their businesses using imperative keywords, closely related to the products and services of the business.
  • Updating of the site is a very good SEO strategy for the business. An enterprise website must not in any way be stagnant. It should have updates like news and also articles. When the site is updated, business owners will be in a position to explain to their loyal customers as well as prospective clients about sales, promos, discounts and any other special offers that will come along the way.
Professional help and social media
  • Obtaining professional help is also a way to optimize the web page. There are institutions and companies that offer SEO services and are solely responsible for clients stuff. The client asks the company or institution that made the website if they are in a position to provide the additional services.
  • Social network such as Twitter and Facebook can aid in optimization of one’s site, especially when page for the business is created. It is usually free and one can give a link for the website on his or her social site. It is easy to maintain as well as to update social media accounts.
Local SEO in the recent past has increasingly become very popular. Statistics indicate that more than 97 percent of clients search in the internet for local businesses. More than 90 percent of engine market search constitute Yahoo, Bing and Google.

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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

4 reasons why advertising budgets are too big and how to solve this problem

The calculation of the budget of the campaign can sometimes be one of the most important tasks for online marketing specialist. Overspending advertising budget noticed at the end of the campaign means that your client will have to pay extra money, and in some cases even the marketing specialist has cover the entire shortfall.

On the other hand, to finish the advertising campaign still having some money is also not very good, as it shows that you have missed some important opportunities. In both cases, we can see an inappropriate planning of spending. This is a mistake that most beginners do, and nobody wants this happen with him/her.

Choosing the right tempo of the campaign is challenging and many different factors should be taken into account. There are four main factors influencing the successful budget spending.

1. Predictable "ups and downs"

Search is always unpredictable, and even if we can predict something, it is not quite accurate. But there are things that happen regularly enough and we can take them into account.

First, as in any other business there exist seasonal changes in the search (for example, winter is a peak time for search on the keyword "snowboard" and this word is not so popular during other three seasons). Naturally, over time, any product can become obsolete or out of fashion, then we will see low interest of customers. It is important to remember that sales slowdown will not happen all of a sudden but will develop gradually.

If you have started some kind of a large advertising campaign online or offline then "season factor" can seriously affect its course. Fortunately, it is easy to foresee. However, there are other specific circumstances for each particular case.

For example, our client works in the field of show business, he sells tickets for his concert . From the experience of previous campaigns for such clients we know that when fixing a timetable for the search volume we should note that the rate for the three weeks prior to the start of the concert will go up quickly, and ten days after the concert will go down. With this knowledge, we will always be able to use our advertising budget more effectively.

2. Unpredictable "ups and downs"

Let’s remember recent events connected with the death of Michael Jackson. There appeared so many search inquiries including the name of the singer in Google that the companies initially thought of hackers. Now imagine that you are selling something connected with the name of Michael Jackson and have not set maximum limits of the budget for your account, within 12 hours your entire monthly budget would have simply disappeared. Or imagine that you have a very limited budget and missed the opportunity to sell something to his real fans.

Another example, if the company appears in the center of a scandal, its traffic from the will increase in several times, but most users will search for "[name of company] scandal". You will have to take measures in order to get rid of such bad quality traffic. These crazy and unpredictable "ups and downs" taking place during advertising campaigns occur quite often.

3. Big advertising campaign

Hundreds of thousands of keywords at the same time promoting in three and more search systems, hundreds of projects at the same time, thousands of ad groups it’s hard to keep in mind everything. Especially if there are promotional campaigns developing at the same time, bringing new products on the market, etc. Too many dynamic components, it is sometimes difficult to cope with all this.

4. Technical problems

One of the most popular questions among beginners sounds like this: "Why did my last campaign go beyond the budget?" Well, as everyone knows, the upper limit of daily advertising budget as solid as a wet napkin.

The financial policy of Google is as follows: your daily budget can not be exceeded more than 30 times over 30 days. For example, if during the first day of the campaign expenses from your account exceeded the daily limit for $20, the next days you can spend $20 less to compensate for the exceeding the limit.

As we can see, even Google can not stay within the limits of advertising campaign budget. They have such a huge amount of advertisement that it is virtually impossible to calculate everything to the cent. As already mentioned, Google will not take more than you have on advertising account. But it will barely help, if there are more than one advertising companies in one account.

How to make right calculations of costs

You must take into account not only your own income, but also payments made for third party. For example, for "SEM management platform" should take 2-5% of media costs also do not forget about such useful tools as Gooroo, SpyFu, etc., which are not free of charge .

All these details should be taken into account when calculating your cost. All additional costs for third-party payment should be considered separately from your own income. Calculation of advertising costs is individual in each case. Sometimes spending is calculated daily, but usually weekly.

In most cases, the advertising budget is distributed evenly for the whole period of advertising campaign, in this case it is very easy to track percentage of the budget already used and how much is left.

About the author: This essay is written by Melisa Marzett. Melisa is an experienced writer and professional in such fields as internet marketing, web and social media. You are welcome to contact with her on Google+. Other articles are at

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Seven main Secrets about Guest Blog Posting

Guest blog posting is useful for bloggers and readers if it is only done of high-quality. Before you become a guest blogger, you should learn some things that can help you to clarify with the posts, their design and choice of technical methods. Perhaps you come across a lot of information that links with this problem, it is normal. But not all this information is correct and can affect the performance of your blog and your guest posts as well. I want to share some secrets for brushing your methods and therefore to improve your traffic.

✓ Secret#1: Create the layout of your actions before begin to write.

You should have a strategy before you become a blogger and you will have an accurate plan before you actually start. It helps you to focus on you objectives and not to distract the different things. In that way you will aim to your achieving your goals. If you go in for blog posting seriously, you need to have a plan.

✓ Secret#2: There is no set of methods to become a good blogger.

There is no clear-up means that allow you to write perfect guest blog posts. Without doubt, there are some requirements and rules that you have to follow. But it doesn’t always work with everyone. You should create personal rules for yourself and follow the guidelines while doing guest post.

✓ Secret#3: After writing the blog, your work is not finished.

After your blog is accepted, you have to promote it on social networks, announce through email list. Be ready to answer some questions from the guests and actively comment the blog to see your activity.

✓ Secret#4: You should have a bright headline.
You will have the only chance to make a good impression and to make the reader to click on the post and to read the rest of article. So, don’t loose it. If you want to succeed in guest blog posting, create the eye-catching title for your post.

✓ Secret#5: Content is a driving force for promoting the guest article.

To have a great blog article you should trouble about the content. It is the basis of our success. Keep it short and to the point. Write something in extraordinary way that people will be absorbed.

✓ Secret#6: Follow all the rules and guidelines to submit the guest post.

Guest post is the hot output of internet marketing on the market. If you want be published in the website, take the time to read and understand all these rules.

✓ Secret#7: Use key words for convenient of searching your guest post.

Many blogs add it in the list of the requirement, but sometimes you just should know it. It is one of the methods for attracting traffic by the online community. When a man searches something for a specific term in the search engine, the particular keyword under your articles plays a great role, be sure.

About the author: Paul Smith is a famous, experienced writer that writes a great variety of works for and different guest posts. You don’t have any hesitations for his competence. Feel free to ask him, if any questions arise at Google+.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

How to Develop a Website on Google Guidelines?

Everyone is annoyed with Google day by day updates and search engine ranking behaviors. We used to tackle with penalties like Panda and Penguin in order to retain the positions on search engines. The time is being changed from last two year after the announcement of Panda update in February 2011. The fierce competition to get the top positions becoming harder than harder.

Why don't we think out of box and to work for real users instead of search engines? Google has only one objective that is to satisfy it's user with relevant and high quality search results. So let us think differently and act differently with Google guidelines.

Following are the main points that Google think and layout before any update in their algorithm. 

  1. Would you trust the information presented in this article?
  2. Is this article written by an expert or enthusiast who knows the topic well, or is it more shallow in nature?
  3. Does the site have duplicate, overlapping, or redundant articles on the same or similar topics with slightly different keyword variations?
  4. Would you be comfortable giving your credit card information to this site?
  5. Does this article have spelling, stylistic, or factual errors?
  6. Are the topics driven by genuine interests of readers of the site, or does the site generate content by   attempting to guess what might rank well in search engines?
  7. Does the article provide original content or information, original reporting, original research, or original analysis?
  8. Does the page provide substantial value when compared to other pages in search results?
  9. How much quality control is done on content?
  10. Does the article describe both sides of a story?
  11. Is the site a recognized authority on its topic?
  12. Is the content mass-produced by or outsourced to a large number of creators, or spread across a large network of sites, so that individual pages or sites don’t get as much attention or care?
  13. Was the article edited well, or does it appear sloppy or hastily produced?
  14. For a health related query, would you trust information from this site?
  15. Would you recognize this site as an authoritative source when mentioned by name?
  16. Does this article provide a complete or comprehensive description of the topic?
  17. Does this article contain insightful analysis or interesting information that is beyond obvious?
  18. Is this the sort of page you’d want to bookmark, share with a friend, or recommend?
  19. Does this article have an excessive amount of ads that distract from or interfere with the main content?
  20. Would you expect to see this article in a printed magazine, encyclopedia or book?
  21. Are the articles short, unsubstantial, or otherwise lacking in helpful specifics?
  22. Are the pages produced with great care and attention to detail vs. less attention to detail?
  23. Would users complain when they see pages from this site?

These details are sourced from Google Official Webmaster Blog  written by search and quality expert Amit Singal.

Friday, August 30, 2013

How to write a great guest post?

Many people are now being convinced of the benefits that can arise from doing guest blogging activities. Guest blogging not only helps the guest blogger reach more people and promote his or her product, service or website to a different audience but also helps the website or blog accepting guest posts gain high quality content and build good and lasting relationships with guest bloggers. However, a lot of people seem to have problems when they do guest posts and often don’t make the most out of the guest blogging activities. Therefore, here are some of the most important things that guest bloggers have to consider and take note of in order for them to create great guest posts that work!

1. Take note of the website or blog where you will post.

The website or blog where you will post your guest article should be taken into consideration first before you even start writing. First, you have to make sure that the blog or website has a good reputation and an acceptable traffic. Next, you must see to it that the blog’s audience is appropriate or will be interested in your product, service, or website that you will be promoting.

Afterwards, take some time to look at the posts that are currently written in the blog or website. Take note of the style, tone, and the range of topics that are usually talked about. It’s also best if you read the blog or website’s most popular posts and see how people or the readers are reacting to it by reading the comments. Use this as your basis or model for writing your guest post. See to it that the style and topic will be of interest to the readers and that they would find time to read it even if it is a guest post. The bottom line is that your post must not be too different from the rest of the articles present in that website and must be able to blend in and comparable enough to the best articles ever written in that website or blog.

2. Take note of the blog or website’s audience.

After you have analyzed the blog or website you then have to take a look at the people reading the website. You must be able to identify what they like and don’t like. Remember that your goal is to reach these people and make them your readers as well. Analyze the reasons why they are visiting that website or blog where you are going to do the guest post and apply it to your own strategy. However, you must also be careful not to be too similar to the website or blog where you will do the guest posts because this will make the impression that you have nothing different or new to offer them, resulting for them not bothering to take a look at your website or even consider your product or service.

3. Focus on your writing style.

Make it to a point that you showcase your unique writing style to the readers when you do guest blogging. It’s important that they recognize or distinguish your writing and find your topic interesting enough for them to visit your own website. Talk about interesting topics but also at the same time give the readers the feeling of wanting more of the kind of stuff that you have written. When readers feel like they want to see more of you inevitably they will visit and become regular readers of your website. Remember to always provide high quality and interesting guest posts because these represent your websites to other people and these guest posts are your ticket to success as well.

This guest post is written by If This post help you then Like my facebook fan page and follow my blog.

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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Frustrations Of An Ethical Guest Blogger

Do you have a blog that needs traffic and backlinks? Did you hear about how great guest blogging is for your site? If you can’t wait to jump the gun on guest blogging because of its benefits, then you should probably hold your horses and read on to learn the challenges and frustrations that ethical guest bloggers encounter in the blogosphere.

I’m not trying to discourage you out of guest blogging; I just want you to understand that it’s not all rainbows and sunshine in the world of guest blogging. You’ll certainly encounter a lot of challenges and frustrations that can break your determination and possibly gets you to think of quitting.

By reading this article, you will have a better understanding of what it takes to succeed as a guest blogger. You’ll come to understand the challenges and frustrations that most guest bloggers encounter and be able to come up with a plan and be ready to face them.

You should understand that you are not alone and you’re certainly not first to encounter these frustrations. Your determination will determine whether you will succeed or not. If you quit, then of course you would fail but if you’re persistent in learning and writing then someday your time will come.

The first challenge in guest blogging is finding the right blog to get your article published. This is after you have written an article that you’ve researched like crazy, optimized to be search engine friendly and had made sure that it’s 100% unique and plagiarism free.

You would probably find a lot of blogs out there and it is important to choose the right blog for you. You should be wary of deceitful bloggers that would steal your article faster than a Ferrari. What makes this very frustrating and infuriating is that you’ll just suddenly find your article that you’ve worked so hard for in another blog and they have taken all the credit.

You should also avoid bloggers that are charging guest bloggers a fee just to review your guest post request and does not even guarantee that your article will be published. Just cross out this blogger and look somewhere else.

Why not just guest post on top blog? If these top blogs publish your article then it would be like winning American Idol. This would certainly improve your reputation and credibility but as I’ve mentioned, it’s like winning American Idol which only happens once a year. The competition to attract the attention of the blog manager is very fierce and these blog managers are also a 100 times busier than most bloggers.

You should certainly avoid blogs that are dead or dying. If there are no updates to the blog for months then that itself would be a good reason to cross it out of your list. And you would also encounter bloggers that think that they are on top even if they are not. It’s when they get moderate traffic that they suddenly require guest bloggers to walk barefoot on a road full of broken glass while playing the violin and singing at the same time. It’s ridiculous!

At the time that you’ve chosen a blog, don’t be surprised to see a 2000- word manual for guest posting. It’s like they don’t want you to submit a guest blog from these manual and even you have already read through the manual, it is still not clear whether you should send your article through email or contact form.

Blog owners also have the habit of not getting back to you once you’ve submitted your request. This is certainly frustrating because it would leave you wondering whether the blogger has read your request or not. It would also force you to face a difficult decision if you should request that same article to a different blog or still wait for the response of the first blogger.

What you really don’t want to happen is that the same content would be posted in two different blogs. This would surely damage your reputation and credibility if the two blogs would overlap audience-wise.

Though more blog sites have an easy process of submitting your guest post, there are still those out there that are quite challenging. You really need to stretch your patience and not be discouraged in facing these challenges and frustrations and instead face them with courage and confidence.

It’s your turn!

Whatever ideas comments or suggestions that you have, please share it in the comments section below.

I hope to hear from you soon. Cheers!

About the author:

Adam Prattler aims to spread his advocacy towards ethical guest blogging. Join him and his community at Postme and help give the internet a better future.

If This post help you then Like my facebook fan page and follow my blog.

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Friday, August 23, 2013

What You Need to Know About SEO for Bing

Until 2010, it appeared that Google would perpetually be the king of the internet. SEO strategy for most SEO companies revolved solely around Google, with little thought to other search engines. However, with each additional year, Bing gains market share in the United States and abroad. Bing requires an approach to SEO that is similar to that of Google, but the best results are achieved by focusing on the unique Bing search algorithm separately.

Bing Indexing Differences

According to Microsoft's own internal memos, the company is now sharing a search algorithm with Yahoo – isn’t that crazy!? This merger means that the combined Bing/Yahoo entity now accounts for more than a quarter of all web traffic. Bing, however, has some technological limitations in the way that its web crawler indexes pages. 

  • For one, Bing does not support canonical URL tagging, so web designers must be careful with how they manage their URL's through the Bing Webmaster Tools.
  • Additionally, some shopping sites might be negatively impacted by Bing's page limit. Since Bing only indexes 100k pages on any given root domain, sites with many different product pages would be better served by spreading them categorically across several domains.
  • Bing does not allow the use of meta-refreshes, and it further does not support any form of redirect other than a 302.
  • An experience SEO company should be able to take a look at your website to determine if it meets the standards of both Google and Bing, and ensure that the site won't be de-indexed due to sloppy programming.

Backlinks for Bing

As most web-savvy developers know, the majority of a website's Page Rank is dependent on the number, but more importantly the quality, of its backlinks. Bing has a smaller search index than Google, so it is unable to see some of the backlinks that Google sees.

For SEO purposes, this means that your SEO company should focus on a smaller number of backlinks on high authority websites that are clearly indexed by Bing. Interestingly, Bing has been known to drop a website from its search results if it doesn’t have at least one external backlink pointing to it.


Bing is not going away anytime soon. In fact, if Bing continues to grow at the same rate, it is likely to account for nearly half of all search traffic by 2020. SEO authorities need to modify both their internal page design as well as their link building, or link earning, strategy to account for Bing's quirks and differences. As Bing continues to evolve, it is likely that it will become even more differentiated from Google, and it will force an even bigger shift in SEO strategy.

Top Rankings in Google Best SEO Companies in India Top 10 list

Thursday, March 21, 2013

301 Redirection, Leverage Browser Caching & Gzip Compression .htaccess Code

Web page speed is an important aspect of high search engine ranking. Google give high priority to page speed signals among 200 other signals. So i am going to share the code that is used to enhance the page speed of website.

301 is the permanent redirection from old url to new url. We can use 301 redirection code in .htaccess to resolve the issue of WWW and without (WWW). Suppose i have a website opening with both WWW and without WWW then search engine's will count them two different domains and the result will be duplicacy of two domains. We can resolve this issue with two methods either by setting our preferred domain in Google webmaster or by using 301 redirection.

Here is the method to set up a preferred domain in Google Webmaster.

  1. Login to
  2. Select the website you want to prefer.
  3. Go to setting
  4. Select preferred domain
  5. Select their either with WWW or without WWW.
After this the preferred domain will be set for all backlinks.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

How To Optimize a Website Best To Search Engines?

Hi everybody, How are you doing? After a long time once again i am going to share some personal experience and experiments those i thought should be implemented to improve search engine ranking. Today is the era of Google Panda and Penguin. Let us first discuss about these two enormous updates and then will come on conclusion what should be done for best web presence?

Google Panda:- According to various webmasters and articles written in famous search engine news and blogs like searchengineland, searchengineswatch etc Panda is named on the Google employ name Panday who invented the technique to fight with thin content. In Feb. 2011, Google announced it's enormous algorithm update that is Panda and that effected the more than 25% search queries that time. Google Panda is all about related to content of website, related website and linked website. If you have thin content, mean a content that is also published on other websites, blogs, articles, news or anywhere then you are a victim of Panda. If you have same content on different pages of website then for sure you will loose your website within search results.

Panda is the lover of fresh content and love the informative and user engaged data like content in comments, discussion forums and question answer websites like,,,,, etc. We can see the impact of participation on these website within some days.

I always think while doing participation on Q/A sites, what will be their impact on our website but once we get a reputed profile rank then we can leave our website link in the source or as a signature that will enhance our backlink profile.

Monday, February 18, 2013

The SEO World after the Google Penguin Attack

In April of 2012, the world of SEO changed. Some say it’s for the better. When all of the wrinkles are gone from the inception of the algorithm change that might well be the case. However, some legitimate businesses are having trouble keeping their ranking because they don’t fall in line with the new rules of the algorithm. However, some contest that they aren’t doing anything wrong and that there is an issue with the algorithm itself. Regardless, it becomes increasingly important to make sure that your site does not violate any of the webmaster guidelines set forth from Google.

Correcting Problems with Your Site for Penguin

What are some of the things that Penguin is looking for and punishing? Quality and keyword stuffing are two of the biggest offences. If you have poor quality content on your site, or content brimming with keywords used almost nonsensically, then it is easy to see where the problem lies. It also happens to be easy to correct those SEO problems. By writing content with a higher quality level and by using keywords smartly rather than liberally, it is possible to fix the site and maintain a better ranking.

Duplicate text is another problem that some sites might have. Even though you might believe that the content is different, it might have enough similarities that it shows up as duplicate. Even though there is certainly going to be some repetition with many different types of businesses and content, it has to be different enough that it shows as unique, and it should provide value for readers.

How Large is the Penguin Problem?

While many companies are fearing how much this is going to affect their ranking due to the stricter SEO requirements, it really isn’t as much of a widespread issue as some would have you believe. Estimates are that the Penguin update is affecting less than 0.1% of English language sites. Most businesses learned long ago that poor content isn’t going to help them, and neither will keyword stuffing. They remedied the problem long ago, so they aren’t affected.

The key to making sure that you play well with Google and your SEO tactics net you a good spot on the search engines is ensuring that you continue adding good content to your site. Use Premium wordpress themes that have SEO features in them. Add quality back links, and do not engage in Black Hat practices when it comes to marketing. Simply by following the rules Google has in place for their search engine, you can keep your ranking.

About author

Anny Solway is a creative writer at She is passionate by Wordpress, SEO and Blogging. Don’t forget to check out stunning Premium Wordpress Themes