Thursday, December 19, 2013

How to Reduce the Bounce Rate of Your Landing Pages?

Reducing the bounce rate on your landing pages is a very big deal. If people are bouncing from the first page they land on--then that is how it normally works. But, every single person that bounces is another bit of traffic that you ideally want to keep. What is the point of working so hard to get people onto your website if they are just going to leave a few seconds after arriving? In many ways, lowering your bounce rate can only be a good thing (at least in most cases). On the other hand, you do have to be prepared to scare a few people away if you are aiming for a certain target audience. Do not forget that you cannot be all things to all people. Here are some tips that with help reduce the bounce rate on your landing pages. Also, bounce rate impacts on the SEO of ther website. So, whether you do it yourself or hire a search engine optimization company from a list of top SEO companies in India then you should for best seo company in india

1 - Make sure your landing page addresses the reason the viewer visited

Your viewer arrived onto your landing page for a reason. You have made the first win, so you need to celebrate that win. You do not want to tell the person they did the right thing paying a visit or to keep marketing to them. They visited for a reason, so address that reason. If they wanted to know a price, then give it to them. If they wanted more information then show them a bit and give them links to where they can find much more (on your website of course).

2 - Remove pop-up ads, auto-start video and auto-start audio

Popup ads are as old as the Internet and they have been nothing but annoying since the beginning. If you want conversions then you do not start off by annoying people. It is the same as if you run a high street store, you do not jump out in front of people and ask them to push something to get rid of you, so don’t do it online.

As for auto-start video and audio, people will happily close down an entire browsing session if it means getting rid of the noise. It is as if you are assaulting people, and makes it appear as if their time is so meaningless to you that you will happily start blabbing on about something that they do not want. If you want conversions, then never do it--Ever!

3 - Give people plenty of navigation choice

If you do not give them enough, then they will naturally leave your website. Not giving people much choice is what scamming websites do, and people know this. Plus, there may even be a base instinct in there as people do not want to be penned in. Instead you need to give them choices with your navigation so that they may comfortably explore your website without feeling as if they are being railroaded.

You can do this, but if you want to start converting your traffic, then give them choices and make the one most profitable to you as the most appealing. Do not give them too much choice unless you are sure that at least 80% of the links are going to be of interest to the viewer. What you need to do is make some links obviously better than others, but in a subtle way that makes people think they are making their own choices.

4 - Make your page easy to skim read and very clear

If your page is too hard to skim read, then most people won’t even give it a chance and they will just bounce from your website. As odd as it sounds, having to read your content word for word without knowing much about it is something that most people are not willing to do. They are just going to skim read a page and look for important factors. If they cannot find them, then they bounce. It is up to you to make sure your page has a very easy-to-skim-read format so that people may find points that interest them.

5 - Make sure your landing page renders and loads quickly

The analytic system used by yourself may measure if a page bounce occurs before or after the page starts to render. There are very few people who know for sure if Google measures bounce rates from the point of rendering or before. Suffice it to say that it is not worth the risk of having a page take its time to render.

Slow loading times are not as much of a problem these days as they were prior to faster processors, more RAM and broadband DSL Internet. But, slow render times are certainly a problem. If a person has to stare at a blank page of white for more than a few seconds then that person is going to bounce. If you were planning on making a sale or getting a loyal viewer out of your landing page, then this is not the way to do it.

Take the time to lower your loading times, but above all, make sure that your page is rendering quickly. This means you need to bug tests your web pages routinely (if you update often) and it means you need to test them with cross compatibility tools.

Author: Kate Funk is a freelance writer at aussiessay. She is mainly focusing on technology, gadgets and all the latest trends which are interesting for networking enthusiasts.

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Tuesday, December 3, 2013

What the Hummingbird brings?

In September 2013 Google officially presented new search algorithm called “Hummingbird”, though in fact the bird have been making a nest in a search system during a whole month before official premiere. As Hummingbird is a search algorithm with a fundamentally new approach of processing complex phrases in search queries. Unfortunately, Google developers keep in secret the technical principles of the algorithm, so we can only guess and try to adapt the text content for the new algorithm. What we know for sure is that the changes in the content should be done shortly in order to adapt websites to new algorithm and save high rates.

Undoubtedly, the introduction of a new algorithm will make significant changes in the policy of sites promotion, especially in the quality of content. Relevance, quality and depth of content should be now taken into account. Short articles "stuffed with" key words are the first positive steps that send a website to the back of the SERP. In order to take the most advantageous position, one should adhere to the following strategy:

1. Extend and adapt the selection of keywords using a variety of advanced options for the same phrase.
As a rule, those who use voice search, use longer phrases. For example: "How can I quickly get to ...", "Where is the best place to buy...", "Where can I go on a Saturday evening in the city ..." and so on. Thus, we should think over and apply all possible variants that can be used by potential visitors.

2. Use related words and a maximum number of synonyms.
Most relevant articles posted on the site will be determined not only by keywords, but also accompanying phrases and synonyms. In other words, if the user types in a word synonymous with the good or service you offer, Hummingbird will lead customers to your web site as well. The search engine gives results not only by key words typed into the search string, but also according to synonyms. This gives you an opportunity to be on top even through synonyms, and not just direct key words. In order to determine which synonyms Google « understands», you only should pay attention to those options that are displayed on the screen while you type words into the search string.

3. Take measures to get your content quoted or referred to by other web resources.
Whenever your website is referenced, the link to your resource is used or the website is mentioned together with competing resources (websites on similar subjects), it will be an evidence for Google that your companies or web sites are connected with each other. It’s great when competitors have considerable authority, and your website is mentioned along with them, your position automatically grows.

4. Thoroughly analyze texts for links that are used to promote a web resource.
Probably everyone knows that the links which have words related to the topic of the web site are much more attractive for search engines. Therefore, they should be used extensively. To create natural links it is important to use keywords together with their synonyms.

5. Pay attention to the universal search algorithm.
It is quite logical that Hummingbird is more focused on the issue of universal results. For example, if the user types in "cook lasagna yourself", it is logical to give instructional video immediately. Orientation on Universal Search provides huge advantages to not only attract new visitors, but also to outmarket the competitors. These are several tips how to do it: - Choose the images for Google Images;
- To determine what kind of results connected to your products or service emerges in a search string;
- Create high-quality video content and optimize it for YouTube;

About the author: Paul Smith is an excellent writer and the author of this essay. He is an expert in such topics as SEO, networks and internet. It is easy to connect with Paul on Google+. You can read other articles written by Paul at

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