- SEOmoz
- ReadWriteWeb
- Mashable
- SearchEngineJournal
- SmashingMagazine
- ChrisBrogan
- ProBlogger
- QuickOnlineTips
- DailyBlogTips
- CopyBlogger
The rest of this article will cover why these ten websites are important, what they can do for you, and finally what you can/should post on them. The ten named above are not the most popular with regards to traffic; that website changes every day.
The ones named above have the best Google PageRank (in descending order - 2012). This means that people searching for certain topics/keywords are going to come across those websites first.
Guest post for link-building
As you may well know, any sites that offer the freedom to enter a guest post and a link allows you to raise the PageRank of your own site/web page. Google’s official line is that the number links to your site does not matter. It is more about their “quality and relevance”; two entities that commonly combine.