Saturday, July 30, 2011

Get indexed your site in 5-6 hours

Hello friends, Hope you all are fine. I am going to share how to index your new website in just 5 or 6 hours.

You can also get thousands of back-links with this trick. Someone say it backhat Seo method but i think for indexing early and getting thousands of back links this is not bad idea.
Below are the list of websites that give your about 5000 backlinks without cost. You can get backlinks for your site, blog with more efforts and expending more money. So go to below websites and add your blog/website URL to get backlinks. Enjoy this stuff.

Friday, July 29, 2011


Hello friends , i am going to implement how to add html sitemap to blogger.
First i want to give brief description about HTML sitemap and XML sitemap.
HTML sitemap list the all hyperlinks of your blog/website. These links are listed in hierarchically and provide description for each link. A HTML sitemap make easy to navigate through website for visitors and google crawlers. The HTML Sitemap is mainly for humans. To create a new HTML Sitemap to your blog or website visit.

Friday, July 15, 2011

How to Increase your followers on twitter and Facebook

If you want to increase your followers on twitter and facebook here are following tricks that are very helpful.

1. Create account on , and with the same account that you are used for twitter and facebook account.
2. Now verify your account by tweeting from these sites.
3. Now follow the users on these sites and they will follow you back.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

How to add meta tags in blogger

Meta tags are the important tags for every website or blog. Here i am telling about how to add meta tags to your blog.
1.First of all go to your blogger account and log in.
2.Now go to your setting -> Design-> Edit html
3.Now write the meta tags under the "head" tag like in the image:-

Use the coding like in selected text.